Sunday, February 23, 2014

Dinagyang Festival

Dinagyang Festival

The Iloilo Dinagyang Festival is a showcase of the rich heritage, colorful history, passionate devotion, and fun-loving spirit of the Ilonggo people. The festival traces its roots as a thanksgiving celebration in honor of Senyor Santo NiƱo, the child Jesus. Today, it has grown to be one of the Philippines’ most spectacular religious and cultural festivals.

La Paz Batchoy

La Paz Batchoy

Chowing down the steaming broth of La Paz Batchoy will surely stimulate and liven up your senses. This noodle soup, garnished with pork innards, crushed pork cracklings, vegetables, shrimp, chicken breast or beef loin, shrimp broth, chicken stock and round noodles or miki.

La Paz Batchoy

Molo Church

Molo Church

Jaro Cathedral

Jaro Cathedral

Jaro churchJaro churchJaro church

Fort San Pedro

Fort San Pedro

 Fort San Pedro
fort sand pedro iloilo

Museo Iloilo

Museo Iloilo

museo iloilo museum museo iloilo museum museo iloilo museum museo iloilo museum museo iloilo museum

Villa Beach

Villa Beach

Villa BeachVilla Beach